Cancer is one of the most important health problems. Despite significant advances in the field of medicine, it still maintains its importance. Early diagnosis is of great importance in this difficult fight against cancer. The investigation of cancer without any symptoms in humans is called screening. Screening methods are one of our most important trump cards in the fight against cancer because they provide early diagnosis. Cancer is divided according to the region and organ where it is seen in the body, and it is known that there are nearly 100 types of cancer.



Some of the most common types of cancer are as follows;



Lung Cancer

Liver Cancer

Breast Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Stomach Cancer

Cervical Cancer

Bowel (Colon) Cancer

Eye Cancer

Kidney Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Oesophagus (Esophagus) Cancer

Melanoma Skin Cancer

Nasopharyngeal (Upper Pharynx) Cancer

Ovarian Cancer

Uterine Cancer

Skin Cancer (Non Melanoma)

Testicular Cancer

Bladder Cancer

Cancer Treatment Methods

The most commonly used treatment modalities for cancer are surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Less commonly, hormone therapies, biological therapies and targeted therapies are used. These treatment methods are applied alone or together. The first treatment is usually known as first-line treatment. The treatment given after the first-line treatment is called adjuvant treatment. Chemotherapy applied after surgical treatment is adjuvant treatment. The treatment given before the first-line treatment is neoadjuvant treatment.

For example; hormonotherapy applied before surgical treatment is neoadjuvant treatment. Many experimental treatment methods are being tested in clinical trials. Cancer treatment is becoming more and more specialised, and treatment is usually carried out by a team led by a medical oncologist. Before starting treatment, you will want to know the goals of the treatment, how long it will last and potential side effects. An important aspect of cancer treatment is that patients and their relatives feel comfortable with their doctors and the treatment they recommend.



Types of Cancer Prevention

Smoking should be avoided

There are over 4000 harmful chemicals in cigarettes. These chemicals damage DNA and cause changes in important genes. Cancer cells develop in the body and multiply rapidly and out of control, causing cancer. Lung, ovarian cancers, some types of leukaemia, mouth, larynx, upper pharynx, nose and sinuses, oesophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bladder, uterus and bowel cancers are directly related to smoking.



Sugar should be supplied from natural foods

All cells in the body, including cancer cells, need sugar. Sugar-induced overweight, fat around the waist and obesity are among the most important factors that trigger cancer. Sugar should be met from vegetables and fruits. Children should be taught healthy eating habits from an early age and healthy snacks should be encouraged. It has been proven that consuming too fatty and sugary foods is associated with cancer. Sugary foods also increase inflammation (inflammation) in the body. Inflammation, which is the origin of cancer, also causes cancer cells to multiply.



Fatty Foods Should Be Avoided

Fried foods, fatty meats and other high-fat foods should be consumed less. Eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day, especially green leafy and high vitamin C foods and citrus fruits. Cereals such as oats and fish should be consumed twice a week. In addition, those who have cancer cases in their family should pay attention to their nutrition as well as regular scans.



Active Lifestyle Should Be Adopted

Exercise reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, blood pressure and heart diseases. Regular exercise reduces the risk of cancer by positively affecting metabolism, strengthening the immune system, eliminating excess weight and reducing stress. Metabolic problems, weakening of the immune system and overweight are among the main causes of cancer. Children of our age are very sedentary; instead of playing in parks and gardens, they sit in front of the television, computer or tablet. The risk of colon cancer and breast cancer can be reduced by 30-40 per cent by walking 30 minutes 5 days a week.



Vegetables and Fruits should be washed well

Washing vegetables and fruits well and soaking them in salt and vinegar water are very important in purifying the chemicals/drugs of food.



Electronic Devices

According to a comprehensive study conducted by the World Health Organisation with the participation of 31 scientists from 14 countries, mobile phones increase the risk of brain cancer. While the risk of glioma, a brain cancer tumour, increases with the use of wireless systems, it is recommended to use a headset while using a mobile phone and it is stated that the phone should not be placed under the pillow or on the bedside table.



Avoid Stress

Many types of cancer, intestinal diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, etc.