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Check up is a health check-up in general meaning, it is known as the screening method that every individual should do regularly, at least once a year, even if they have no complaints or discomfort.
The basis of modern medicine is based on taking the necessary level of precautions while the disease has not yet occurred and people have a healthy body. The reason for this is to prevent the treatment from becoming much more costly and deterioration of health after the disease occurs. Therefore, even if each individual has no complaints and discomfort, he/she should regularly consult his/her doctor at regular intervals and have a general health screening.
Coronary artery diseases, cancer, hypertension and many other diseases, which are the most feared diseases of our age, can achieve good results in terms of both life expectancy and quality of life with early and correct diagnosis. Apart from this, the importance of early diagnosis and regular treatment process in diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, which progress secretly in people without causing any symptoms and without causing any complaints, on the other hand, damaging vital organs such as brain, heart, kidneys, is indisputably great. Do not forget that a condition that you consider insignificant may be a symptom of life-threatening diseases.
Where to have it done?
There are many misconceptions about health in our society; one of them is that the patient thinks that he has a check-up when he visits a laboratory, gives a blood sample and receives the results in the form of a list. In fact, no procedure without a doctor’s examination can be considered a serious general health screening. Doctors can form an opinion about the symptoms of some diseases from the appearance of the patients even when they first see them. Information about the patient’s complaints, life history, personal and family history and habits (if any) are very important in reaching a diagnosis about a disease. The physical findings obtained during the doctor’s examination, laboratory and radiological examinations, advanced medical imaging methods such as ultrasonography and tomography contribute to the finalisation of the diagnosis. For these reasons, it is of great importance that Check-up is carried out in a professional health institution that is ready in every respect.
Things to do before coming for a check-up
1) If you are pregnant or suspect that you are pregnant, you must inform the authorised persons before you start.
2) You should bring your previous test and other examination results with you.
3) Make sure that you are hungry when you come to the check-up on the appointment day. It is strongly recommended that you fast for a minimum of 10 to 12 hours. However, you should only drink water.
4) If you are going to have an ECG with exertion, you should have a pair of trainers, socks and a tracksuit suitable for running.
5) For the stool test, you should bring a small amount of faeces in a small, clean container. If possible, the stool should be the stool of that morning, if this is not the case, the stool should be undried stool.
By having a check-up, you can map your body’s health and observe and diagnose any health problems that do not currently cause any discomfort, but may be a potential problem. So, by having a general health screening, you can identify existing conditions, and you can reveal abnormal conditions that may cause discomfort in the future. In short, by having a check up, you can ensure that your existing diseases and objectionable elements that may cause diseases in the future are detected, diagnosed and treated.